How Psychology affects Web Design

How Psychology affects Web Design

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Understanding the psychology behind how your web design affects your customers viewing and buying experiences will give you an advantage over competitors. Web design is all about the customers so it is necessary to understand their view of a website.

Many businesses make the mistake of designing websites based on their own aesthetics and guidelines. While this may work from time to time, there is no guarantee that readers will stay on your website let alone invest in your products and services. Here are a few general rules to look for and their impact on your customers’ minds:

  • White Space – Designers are starting to use white space but many of them don’t understand the reasoning behind it. Websites that are crammed to the limit with content, images and videos tend to evoke feelings of unease and restlessness among viewers. On such pages, customers are unable to decide where to focus and they keep shifting from section to section without clearly looking at each of them. Giving adequate white space thus helps customers ease their minds and focus on the important aspects of your website.
  • Content – The less content you have on your home page, the better. Cramming paragraphs of content into one page will demotivate readers. Get to the point and explain your services crisply. You can save the paragraphs for the inner pages. It’s all about making a good first impression and making sure your readers are intrigued enough to look for more. A complicated homepage will frustrate users and make them visit your competitors instead.
  • Layout and color scheme – As mentioned before, your layout has to be clean and professional. Your color scheme affects this to an extent as studies have shown that certain colors can invoke certain feelings. Red invokes a sense of urgency and alertness while colors like pale blue, invoke serenity and peace. The colors you choose depend on your target audience. Much like content, the color scheme should be balanced out with neutral colors or the site ends up looking unprofessional.

There are many other aspects that define how your customers will react to your web design. These include typography, the text to visuals ratio, and spacing. The first step to a successful web design is to know your target audience. Even if you’re just starting out, you can make certain aspects of your site to look a certain way.

For example, a start-up can use have gray color, which shows professionalism with brighter colors like red or blue to show character. The font has to be uniform throughout the website. Remember to design wisely and take help from professional web designers in Brisbane.