Why is Interactivity an Important Element in Website Design?

Why is Interactivity an Important Element in Website Design?

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Your website gives your customers an insight into your business. A well-designed and interactive website leaves a very good first impression on your customer which can go a long way into building a successful relationship. All successful websites use the art of engaging their site visitors to reduce the bounce rate of the website or a particular resource page on the website. It is now well-known that Google or other search engines consider bounce rate as one of the parameters of ranking a website.

In order to make your website attractive, you have to meld the best practices of website design template with appropriate content creation to improve user experience. So what are some of the things your website needs to be interactive?

  • Use a non-linear tree structure: Your visitors would be primarily looking for convenience of navigation. To improve navigability, you have to consider the ‘tree structure’ concept of design, which would allow the visitors to move from one page to another within the website in a non-linear way. Use of hyperlinks strategically is highly recommended. Also see that the logo on the top of each page is linked to the home page. Never clutter a page. Each and every element making the page should be prominent and eye-catching. Using proper categories, lists and breaking the texts into small paragraphs help in improving the navigability.
  • Make the CTAs conspicuous: Are you making the call-to-actions engaging? Are these really getting the kind of attention from the site visitors that they deserve? If not, you have not done it right. Use different colors, hyperlink these with the subscription page, purchase page or sign-up page. Optimize the size of the CTA button or hyperlink if you really wish to make your website responsive, because in this age of smart phone omnipresence, most of your visitors would interact with your website through their smart phones.
  • Engaging content: A lot of websites tend to overlook this aspect of interactivity. Ultimately, a visitor comes to your website looking for something. If you can’t provide them with the right content, they won’t stay. So make sure to have a good blend of updated blog posts, case studies, relevant videos, engaging web copies to keep them interested.
  • Carry out surveys: A survey can have multiple benefits. It can help you get incisive knowledge about your customer/visitor, as well as finding out what they want from the website or the business per se. You can then integrate these elements to improve the user experience and ultimately get more conversions.

For any modern business, having a website is as imperative as having a name or a logo. This is what carves your unique identity in the digital world. So do not ignore the aspect of interactivity while designing your website. It can be damaging to your business or brand image.